To All Investors and Partners
Has been a year since Punk’s establishment, from the time we chose this track with a total market value of less than 10 billion US dollars, to today all the traditional Internet companies are discussing Metavalse, we feel relieved and feel a sense of crisis.
It is gratifying that the vision is no problem, the crisis is that the competition is becoming more and more fierce, if we don’t have a unique product and ecology, then we will be forgotten and spurned in the era of nor-rules competition, which we know very well.
Punk.Network has achieved many milestones over the past year, but we have not done enough. In terms of roadmap, Punk is actually divided into four stages, and if we use an analogy from the evolution of cyberpunk, then it will be WastelandPunk, SteamPunk, VacuumPunk, and CyberPunk.
The Wasteland is like the evolution from the Stone Age to the monarchy, the way of people living gradually changed from fishing and hunting to farming, from tribes to kingdoms, just like we went from 0 to 1, from just having an idea to designing products, formulating roadmap, to forming a management team, we did a good job, although there were some small episodes in the middle of the development, but we all overcame difficulties and strengthened our faith.
What did Punk achieve?
Steampunk was the first leap in productivity, symbolizing the first steam revolution. We made the early deployment of the application chain,
2. Two successful NFT art exhibitions.
3. Got reported by CGTV and Beijing Television.
4. A series of excellent corporate partnerships such as HEX and Fude Sports.
5. Development of NFTCastle’s basic interface and functionality.
6. Listed on Bitmart.
The rapid development of this stage has led us to ignore some of our own problems, which we have also deeply reflected on and reviewed.
We give an interesting example, even if we have nuclear power technology but ultimately have to boil water to make the steam turbine generate electricity, but people can not hide in the era of steam engines forever, steam engines can not make computers and can not let Moore’s law fail, let alone take us to the moon, the glory of the past can only become history, and evolving technology can sail to the future.
What stage is Punk in?
VacuumPunk is more like a stage of connecting-link, and it is also the stage we are in now. In 1904, the VacuumPunk was invented, which allowed humans to achieve large-scale computing, and it was also the core technology used to make the first computer around 1950. But the VacuumPunk is very bulky and cannot be lightweight, so it existed for a short time and was replaced by silicon-based chips. Adjusting, experimenting, and hard work are the hallmarks of this era, and as we do now, developing the basic features of NFTcastle, several GameFis are in critical development periods.
While the gameplay of the first version may not be too strong, true gameplay has always been my biggest concern. At 18 years ago, I wrote an article about GameFi that you must return to the essence of the game if it wanted to grow, but it is difficult to really develop a game, do the hard and correct thing, has always been our creed. Fortunately, our solid partners are professional in the game, and we are not worried or even look forward to the development of the future. This stage is very difficult, so we will adjust the new strategy to the Great Leap, which is not to say that we want to skip, but after completing this part of the accumulation, we will have a qualitative leap.
What does Punk want to be?
Cyberpunk is our final form and it is the origin of our project name. In Cyberpunk, we have a complete ecosystem, a large number of users, core technologies, and unique applications. We’ve fulfilled everyone’s expectations, we’re going to be self-fulfilling, a lot of people say cyberpunk is sci-fi, but my answer is not, at best, it’s a near-futuristic setting, and I believe our spaceship can be built, sail to the center of the Metaverse, and explore its boundaries. Of course, this is indispensable to the support of investors and partners.
Punk has something to say
We are confident in the achieve our roadmap, and we hope that investors and partners will remain confident in us.
Let’s complete the great experiment of the DAO together, build the early construction of Web 3.0, and sail together to the Cyberpunk Universe that everyone imagines.
真空管则更像是承上启下的一个阶段,也是我们现在正在处在的阶段。1904年,人们发明了真空管,这使得人类可以实现大规模运算,也是1950年左右制造第一台计算机所使用的核心技术。但真空管很笨重,不能轻量化,所以存在了很短的时间就被硅基芯片所取代。调整,实验,埋头苦干是这个时代的特色,正如我们现在一样,开发NFTcastle的基础功能,几个链游都在关键开发期,虽然可能第一个版本的游戏性并不会太强,但真正的游戏性一直是我最关注的地方。早在18年我就写过一篇文章谈链游要是想发展,一定要回归游戏本质,但真正做游戏是很难的,做难且正确的事,一直是我们的信条,好在我们坚实的合作伙伴在游戏上是专业的,我们并不担心甚至还有些期待后面的发展。这个阶段很难熬,所以我们才会将新的战略调整为Great Leap,大跃,这并不是说我们想跳过,而是完成了这部分的积累,我们将会产生质的飞跃。
我们有信心实现我们的路线图,也希望各位投资人与合作伙伴依然对我们保有信心,让我们共同完成DAO的伟大实验,完备Web3.0的早期建设,一同驶向每个人心中所想象的Cyberpunk Universe。
Punk.Network is a blockchain application chain focused on the Metaverse, NFT and GameFi, with exposure to cross-chain/multi-chain research and development, NFT application chains, NFT markets, art and the issuance of GameFi assets.